Rates Harmonisation

Consultation has concluded

Consultation period has now closed

All NSW merged Councils are required to review their rates and create one “harmonised” equitable, general rating structure.

As part of this process, Council formed a 10-person community rates review panel, made up of ratepayers from across the LGA and from each rating category (farmland, business, residential).

The panel recommended a set of principles for the new rate structure which has become the basis of the preferred rate structure that was adopted by Council to come into effect from July 1, 2020.

Consultation on this matter has ended, however you can still view information on the rates modelling in the Key Documents panel to the right.


Council recognises that there are cases of genuine financial hardship requiring respect and compassion in special circumstances. Council has adopted a Financial Hardship Assistance Policy, which is available in the Related Information document library.

Consultation period has now closed

All NSW merged Councils are required to review their rates and create one “harmonised” equitable, general rating structure.

As part of this process, Council formed a 10-person community rates review panel, made up of ratepayers from across the LGA and from each rating category (farmland, business, residential).

The panel recommended a set of principles for the new rate structure which has become the basis of the preferred rate structure that was adopted by Council to come into effect from July 1, 2020.

Consultation on this matter has ended, however you can still view information on the rates modelling in the Key Documents panel to the right.


Council recognises that there are cases of genuine financial hardship requiring respect and compassion in special circumstances. Council has adopted a Financial Hardship Assistance Policy, which is available in the Related Information document library.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are looking for community members to join a Community Reference Panel who will provide feedback and advice to Council on the development of a new, harmonised rates structure for Murray River Council.

    The Panel will have an advisory role to Council. They will receive detailed information about the fundamental principles that underpin the development of a new rating strategy. This will include information about the rates modelling and analysis that has been undertaken and the key decision points that require more detailed discussion. The Panel will ultimately make recommendations on a preferred rating structure for consideration by Council and the broader community.


    The Panel will have approximately 10-12 members and selected through an expression of interest process.

    Members will receive and review the four rating options before meeting by video conference with Council staff in early May.

    Terms of Reference

    We have developed  Terms of Reference  for the Panel (see related items on right).

    If you are interested in joining the Panel please Register on Your Say Murray River or sign in to apply.

    Consultation has concluded
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    If you'd like to make comment on the proposed rating structure, please use the form below.

    Consultation has concluded