Local Strategic Planning Statement

Consultation has concluded

Consultation period has now closed

The Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) is Murray River Council’s plan for our community’s social, environmental and economic land use needs over the next 20 years. The LSPS provides a platform to document community priorities and aspirations which will guide our planning decisions on future land use.

Our final LSPS was adopted by Council on 30 June, 2020 and will now inform our new Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP). It also identifies strategic investigations required for future development. The LSPS will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure it remains current and reflective of our land use needs and aspirations.

The LSPS is an important document that sets out:

  • the 20 year vision for land use of the Murray River Council area
  • the special characteristics which contribute to local identity
  • shared community values to be maintained and enhanced
  • how growth and change will be managed into the future
  • An actions list for strategic investigations to inform the future development of Murray River Council area

You can view our final LSPS in the documents panel to the right.


Thank you to everyone who took the time to put forward their thoughts and ideas about the future development of our local area.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Llyan or Melanie for a chat.

Consultation period has now closed

The Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) is Murray River Council’s plan for our community’s social, environmental and economic land use needs over the next 20 years. The LSPS provides a platform to document community priorities and aspirations which will guide our planning decisions on future land use.

Our final LSPS was adopted by Council on 30 June, 2020 and will now inform our new Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP). It also identifies strategic investigations required for future development. The LSPS will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure it remains current and reflective of our land use needs and aspirations.

The LSPS is an important document that sets out:

  • the 20 year vision for land use of the Murray River Council area
  • the special characteristics which contribute to local identity
  • shared community values to be maintained and enhanced
  • how growth and change will be managed into the future
  • An actions list for strategic investigations to inform the future development of Murray River Council area

You can view our final LSPS in the documents panel to the right.


Thank you to everyone who took the time to put forward their thoughts and ideas about the future development of our local area.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Llyan or Melanie for a chat.

Consultation has concluded

Register on Your Say Murray River or sign in and ask our Strategic Planning Team a question and they will come back to you.

By the way, your question will be shared with others on this platform.

  • Re your LSPS Final Draft; Planning priorities, Theme 2, Priority 4 - Achieving our vision : dot point 4 _ Develop a housing strategy which Considers, evaluates and incorporates (where appropriate ) the Moama...MNWM, the Moama....MRRS and the EXISTING SLUP plans for former Murray Shire and former Wakool Shire. I am getting very nervous!! You want develop a strategy using EXISTING SLUP plans from former Shires. We are supposed to be moving forward, not stagnating on a ridiculous LEP. Please allay my fears !!!!

    GW & EM asked over 4 years ago

    Thank you for your question. MRC acknowledges that not all of the content from existing strategies and LEP’s are working for the community, nor Council for that matter. This is why we included the “where appropriate” comment in the LSPS as you’ve rightly indicated. 

    If you have specific or particular issues with the existing strategies that inform the direction of the LSPS, we would love to see them, so please make a submission!