Local Housing Strategy
Consultation has concluded
Murray River Council is experiencing rapid growth. Whether it be a reflection of current national trends showing rapid movement of people out of cities and into regional areas (like ours!), or the simple choice to make Murray River Council home, we have seen unprecedented demand for new housing over the last few years.
As a result, Council has developed a new Murray River Council Local Housing Strategy to manage the supply of housing within the region over the next 20 years.
The Strategy has been developed following an initial round of community consultation on local housing supply issues in late 2021 and is a direct action emerging from our Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS).
The two-part strategy outlines the key factors effecting housing supply and demand within Murray River Council and offers an implementation plan for land activation and housing delivery on a town-by-town basis.
In detail, it provides background on the issues and opportunities across the Murray River Council area and provides direction for the sequential release of residential land and a suite of tools for land consolidation and activation.
The Strategy is now being implemented.
Map Pin tool - Closed
SHOW us where future housing should be!
We have set up a tool to let you SHOW us where you would like to see new housing, and what type of housing it could be. Just select a pin, drag and drop it to the location, and add a comment. Easy!
Place a pin anywhere within the shaded area of the map and tell us what you think.
See ideas from other people and leave your own. Choose to add a picture if you wish to illustrate your comment.
By the way, your comment and or photo can be viewed by others. By submitting these you are agreeing that they may be used in Council publications.