We've now adopted our Operational Plan and associated documents for the 2023/24 financial year.
These were presented to council at the June 27 meeting for final consideration.
The final adopted documents are available for viewing via the 'documents' tab on this page.
Here's what you'll find:
Our Operational Plan: this details individual projects and activities that will be undertaken in the next financial year.
Our Revenue Policy: this sets out Council’s revenue collection activities that fund our ongoing services/ and our Schedule of Fees: this sets out fees and charges for a range of services that are charged on a user-pays, fee-for-service basis.
Our Long Term Financial Plan: this outlines how Council will fund its Community Strategic Plan objectives and informs the community of our overall projected financial sustainability over the next ten years.
We've now adopted our Operational Plan and associated documents for the 2023/24 financial year.
These were presented to council at the June 27 meeting for final consideration.
The final adopted documents are available for viewing via the 'documents' tab on this page.
Here's what you'll find:
Our Operational Plan: this details individual projects and activities that will be undertaken in the next financial year.
Our Revenue Policy: this sets out Council’s revenue collection activities that fund our ongoing services/ and our Schedule of Fees: this sets out fees and charges for a range of services that are charged on a user-pays, fee-for-service basis.
Our Long Term Financial Plan: this outlines how Council will fund its Community Strategic Plan objectives and informs the community of our overall projected financial sustainability over the next ten years.
2023-2024 Operational Plan and Budget has finished this stage
Feedback is invited on our draft draft Operational Plan, draft Long-Term Financial Strategy, draft Revenue Policy and draft Schedule of Fees. Submissions close 8 June, 2023.
Under Review
2023-2024 Operational Plan and Budget has finished this stage
Following the exhibition period, a meeting of Council will be held at the end of June to consider any submissions prior to formally adopting the budget.
Final report
2023-2024 Operational Plan and Budget is currently at this stage
Once adopted, the final documents will be displayed on this page.