Update March 2024

Over the last 4 months, Council has undertaking interviews with various community members, staff and contractors to begin creating a baseline and forward plan for the development of our Customer Experience Strategy.

We have undertaken several internal workshops where we have reviewed the data presented in our baseline study and we have begun looking at the services we provide. Council not only provides services for Murray River Council business but also for Service NSW, Services Australia, WAW and Bendigo banking options, a Vline booking service as well as a local library service.

In the coming months we will continue to work towards developing Service Levels for all the various services we provide, ensuring those services are fit for purpose, economically, socially and environmentally sustainable and align with the future needs of both Council and the Community.

Alongside the development of the Service Levels, we will be creating a Customer Charter and the Customer Experience Strategy, ensuring strategic direction aligns with the on-ground customer journey.

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