Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Enhance the day-time and night-time economy in Moama
- Improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles
- Complement what is offered in Echuca to strengthen the tourism offering for the Echuca Moama region
- Strengthen connections to points of interest including Horseshoe Lagoon, Moama Beach, Echuca and surrounding caravan parks and future development corridors.
How can I provide feedback?
You can provide your feedback through the "Have Your Say" section at the bottom of this webpage.
Please scroll down and select "Have Your Say", then select "Submit Feedback"
The proposed design changes car parking in front of businesses, will there still be enough spaces?
The designs propose a move from angled to parallel spaces, which not only improves safety and time taken to leave parking bays, but increases available space for businesses, landscaping and pedestrians.
Whilst this is a change will reduce spaces between Blair and Echuca Street, additional spaces will be available on side streets in addition to new parking at the Moama Soundshell. This proposed car parking design has been developed based on feedback collected during the development of the Meninya Street Master Plan and further supported by road design principles to support safety.
Can you please explain why angled car parking has been replaced with parallel parking?
Parallel Parking has been proposed based on feedback received from residents and business which identified that although Angled Parking Spaces are efficient in terms of space, they often have to wait minutes in times of busy traffic to reverse into traffic flow. In addition to this, feedback identified that some would prefer the space to be utilised for other functions such as retail or outdoor dining.
In addition to the feedback received, evidence is supportive of parallel parking over angled car parking. As contained in the Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 3: Geometric Design, section 4.10.3.
"... all forms of angle kerbside parking present a greater hazard to road users than parallel parking. Studies show that when parking is changed from angle to parallel kerbside parking, the accident rate along a length of road decreases substantially and the traffic capacity is greatly increased."
Although parallel parking does not fit as many spaces as angled, it does require less roadway width providing additional space for footpaths, shared user paths, landscaping and business use. It also provides additional area for services including underground power, water mains and telecommunications.
Can you please explain why the bike lines have been removed and replaced with a Shared User Path?
Removal of the bike lane from the traffic lane, improves safety for cyclists and motor vehicles which was the primary objective. By creating a dual direction shared user path, users are removed from the danger of motor vehicles and trucks and will not be required to cross intersections and round-a-bouts. Buffers will also be added between parked vehicles and pedestrian areas in front of businesses.
In addition, bike lines designed as part of traffic lanes require 1.5m for the bike lane itself plus a 1.0m buffer from vehicles. This would total a width requirement of 5.0m as opposed to 2.5m with the proposed design of an off street shared user path.
Will this proposed design meet the needs of the elderly and those will additional needs?
The current design of Meninya Street does not meet the needs of the elderly and those with accessibility requirements. Kerbs, gutters, pedestrian crossings and parking for those with accessibility requirements all can be improved to better meet the needs of our community.
The proposed design intends to enhance streetscape by increasing the number of accessible parking parks, pedestrian crossings and by including tactile grids to support those who have accessibility requirements including impaired vision. During the development of Concept Designs, Council focused on creating a streetscape to meet the needs of all users including pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, public transport and businesses.
The road looks very narrow, will emergency services still be able to access Meninya Street?
The proposed design retains the existing lane width of 3.5m throughout the length of Meninya Street maintaining safe access for emergency services including fire trucks, ambulances as well as public transport. The design changes including landscaping, removal of the bike lanes and median strip, encourage drivers to travel at safer speeds despite still having the same lane width as previously.
Can you provide more information on the multi-story buildings?
The Meninya Street Precinct Project aims to set the vision of what Moama could look like in the future following the completion of the streetscape project. To achieve this vision, we included various examples of building development types including shop-top accommodation buildings featuring affordable housing, high quality hospitality venues including roof-top bars as well as proposed development concepts such as the Moama Square Development (proposed). By including these developments into the animation, we are challenging residents, businesses and future developers to think beyond what is currently offered in the street to see the fantastic opportunities Moama has.
Council will not be responsible for the design and or construction of these buildings.
What are the aims of the Project?
Why are we looking to enhance Meninya Street, Moama?
Meninya Street is the 'Heart of Moama'. Our goal is to improve the Meninya Street Precicnt to create a space where residents and visitors can spend there time during the day and night all year round.
Since the completion of the second Echuca Moama Bridge Crossing, this allows the opportunity for Meninya Street to become a more pedestrian and business focused environment due to the reduction in heavy vehicles. Increasing safety for users including those walking, running, riding and driving, we believe we can better support existing businesses in the area by strengthening the day-time and night-time economy.
Enhancing Meninya Street will also support the general Echuca Moama Region by providing an offering to complement that which is already offered by Echuca such as outdoor dining, retail, entertainment and accommodation. The completion of this project aims to increase the number of visitors, the length of stay as well as spending in the area.
When are we looking to complete these works?
Construction will be completed over several years in a staged approach to minimise disruption to the community and businesses in the area as part of the streetscape enhancement. This will be largely influenced by grant funding announcements from the NSW and Federal Government.
Projects including enhancements to Horseshoe Lagoon, Moama Beach, Soundshell and other areas are already underway and will continued to be completed in the coming years.
I own a business on Meninya Street, will Council be purchasing my property?
Council will not be involved in the purchase, sale or re-development of private properties in Meninya Street. Council’s primary focus is on enhancing the streetscape to facilitate increased visitation, length of stay and spending inline with the objectives of the Project.
How were the concept designs developed?
The Project Team engaged Thomson Hay Landscape Architects to develop the Concept Designs for the Meninya Street Project. The designs were informed by the feedback captured during the development of 2019 Meninya Street Master Plan and direct feedback from the Meninya Street Advisory Committee appointed in 2022.
The Advisory Committee also played a key role in the review of Concept Designs to provide input and direction prior to public consultation.
The Project Team reviewed the Concept Designs with the Advisory Committee prior to submitting designs to Council to ensure the final product was fit for purpose and met the needs of the Echuca Moama region.
What consultation has taken place?
The Meninya Street Precinct Project has undertaken extensive consultation to ensure what the Project proposes to deliver, meets the needs of the majority of users.
Consultation on the Project dates back to 2018 where several workshops were held including businesses, residents and council to identify strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats for Moama and the Meninya Street Precinct Project. Information collected was used to drive the development of the Meninya Street Precinct Master Plan.
In 2022, an Advisory Committee was formed to provide input and direction into the Project to ensure the initial Master Plan was still relevant and where necessary changes identified for later inclusion into the Meninya Street Concept Designs.
Concept Designs were approved by Council and underwent 28 Days Public Consultation where feedback was collected via an online survey and face-to-face meeting with residents and businesses from Moama.
Feedback informed the latest revision of the plans, showcased through a 3 dimensional video animation, This animation will be on consultation until the 5th of March 2023. Feedback will then inform later Civil Design for the Project.
What will happen to the Meninya Street public toilets?
Council intends to construct a stand-alone toilet facility close to the existing location as part of the Meninya Street South Precinct upgrade. The new toilet facility will include gender neutral cubicles, accessible toilets and a changing places facility. The new building will feature increased lighting and CCTV to improve safety and deter vandalism.