Consultation is open!

Phase 1 of public consultation for our Housing Strategy is open! Please take the 'Survey' and use the various tabs available to share your thoughts. We are also available via phone or email if you would like to have a chat.

Please ensure you provide your feedback by 15 November 2021 so that we can incorporate your thoughts into our Draft Housing Strategy.

Phase 2 of consultation will involve us sharing the Draft Housing Strategy we have prepared for you to make further comment. Information and updates about the project will be provided regularly on the home page and in this 'News Feed' tab.

Due to the current pandemic, we will be unable to hold in person consultation (at this stage) during Phase 1. The safety of our community is our top priority. We will keep you updated about any information sessions or in person consultation that we are able to hold; as soon as we know, you will know!

Consultation has concluded

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