Draft Murray River Local Housing Strategy COMING SOON!

Draft Murray River Local Housing Strategy COMING SOON!

16 August 2022

Since the release of the 2021 ABS Census data on 28 June 2022, we have been busily working away at creating a Draft Murray River Local Housing Strategy which delivers everything we’ll need to meet our housing demands out to 2041. We are still fine tuning the draft, with the goal to have it ready for the Council meeting being held on 27 September 2022. At that meeting, the draft will be reviewed by our Councillors, and if they give it their tick of approval, the draft will be placed on public exhibition for our community to review and give feedback. We will be applying a two-prong approach to engagement for this exhibition phase with the relaxing of COVID-19 restrictions meaning we can now hold IN PERSON engagement sessions! To capture your comments, we will be using our online tools through this Your Say page and also holding informal ‘information sessions’ in a number of our townships where our community can view the draft and have a chat with the Housing Strategy team.

Further updates to come closer to the September Council meeting date.

Consultation has concluded

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