Draft Housing Strategy update!

22 February 2022

As we noted in November, our aim was to have the Draft Housing Strategy out for Phase 2 public consultation in February/March 2022. In early January 2022, while working towards this target, we were advised that the 2021 ABS Census data would be released to us in late June 2022. Given that the 2021 census data provides a crucial baseline for the Housing Strategy and the Populations Projections (which link into this Strategy) we have elected to wait until the updated census data can be factored into our Housing Strategy. With the level of change since 2019 for housing, population change, births, and deaths, it would be illogical to base the Housing Strategy and subsequent long term planning outcomes off outdated 2016 data.

We will know more about the timing of this Strategy after June 2022, however we still aim to complete this project as soon as we can to facilitate the timely delivery of housing within our LGA, as required. You will have the opportunity to ‘have your say’ on the Draft Strategy with Phase 2 Consultation anticipated to occur around August-September (to be confirmed) and a Final Strategy to be ready to present to Council for endorsement around September - October 2022 (also to be confirmed).

Watch this space!

Consultation has concluded

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