Food Organics Garden Organics kerbside collection now in operation!
Consultation has concluded
Food Organics Garden Organics, 'FOGO' or the items in your green-lid bin, is the weekly kerbside waste collection program across our region for food scraps and garden organics. A handy way to think about FOGO is 'If it lived or grew, then it's FOGO'!
Thanks to funding from the NSW Environmental Trust, we'll be rolling out a Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) kerbside collection to our central and western townships during 2022. In addition to this, we will also be completing the roll out from Garden Organics (GO) to Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) collection in Moama and Mathoura.
All residential kerbside waste collection customers who live within the organics collection boundary should now have a red, yellow and green kerbside bin and a kitchen caddy.
Customers identified within the organics collection boundary (see the maps tab on this page) will have the following bins located at their property,
- 140 litre general waste bin (red lid bin)
- 240 litre recycling bin (yellow lid bin)
- 240 litre organics bin (green lid bin)
- 7 litre kitchen caddy
All kerbside waste customers in the following towns will have the three (3) bin and caddy system in place,
Barham | Mathoura | Moama | |
Moulamein | Murray Downs | Wakool | Tooleybuc |
Once collected, the FOGO material will be processed at the Biomix facility located in Stanhope, Victoria, where it will be processed and turned into high quality compost.
* This project is supported by the Environmental Trust as part of the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.