Community Strategic Plan 2025-2035

Murray River Council’s Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is our 10-year roadmap that outlines the community's goals for the area and the key strategies needed to achieve them. The CSP guides the development of Council's plans, policies, budget and program of works.

Last updated in 2021/22, the CSP must be reviewed after every ordinary council election. With elections held in September this year, we are now working with our newly elected council to refresh the CSP, ready for implementation in the 2025/2026 year.

Engagement history: how we first established our Plan.

The first major redevelopment of our CSP commenced in early 2022 to coincide with the election cycle of 2021-2024. During this time, an extensive engagement program provided stakeholders and the community with the opportunity to have input into its development. Through this process the community gave us more than 1650 ideas.

We then reviewed the suggestions provided; some were easy to implement, some were outside our scope and need to be addressed by other tiers of government or by private industry and others were going to take time for us to plan and action. It was exciting to see the variety of ideas our community had, and it was clear to us the things they value. All of these informed the development and adoption of our 2022-2032 Community Strategic Plan.

The updates: review and refresh

Over the past three years, we have worked to develop strategies and action plans that incorporate ideas submitted during the 2022 community consultation process. These ideas have been tested and refined along the way, and we have integrated as many as possible into our ongoing ‘Business-as-Usual’ processes.

At the conclusion of the previous council term, we prepared a State of the Region Report, which was endorsed at the October 2024 council meeting. This report, available in the document menu on this page, assesses the progress and effectiveness of the 2022-2032 CSP. It also identifies strategic objectives to be carried forward into the updated 2025-2035 CSP. Serving as a critical bridging document, it highlights the community’s ongoing interest in the initiatives identified during the prior engagement processes.

Therefore, this draft Community Strategic Plan 2025-2035 builds on the foundations of previous strategies and top-level goals. This update represents a refresh of the existing document rather than a complete redevelopment, ensuring continuity and alignment with community priorities.

The 7 key themes that will remain include:

  • A place of environmental sensitivity
  • A place of progressive leadership
  • A place of liveable communities
  • A place of inclusion, culture and wellbeing
  • A place of prosperity & resilience
  • Connected Communities
  • Tomorrow’s Technologies

The Draft 2025-2035 Plan: where are we up to?

Whilst the actions and strategies from the 2022-2032 CSP largely remain, this updated plan has been reviewed to balance community expectations with the resourcing available.

In regards to the types of projects and goals identified, not much has changed. We have however simplified the high-level strategic objectives to allow for our Delivery Program actions (4-year program of works) to be simpler to implement against the themes. In basic terms: we’ve cut down the wordy text!

Once the CSP is finalised, we will then develop and refine our Delivery Program to guide our projects and actions over the next four years....all linking into our 7 themes!

Your involvement

Our draft CSP was on display until 29 January 2025.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed the draft plan to ensure it continues to reflect the communities’ vision for our area.

Feedback will be collated and either reflected in the updated CSP or moved to the Delivery Program review if the submission was deemed more relevant to this process (projects, requests etc).

The final draft will go back to council in the upcoming budget period, for final adoption by 30 June 2025.

Murray River Council’s Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is our 10-year roadmap that outlines the community's goals for the area and the key strategies needed to achieve them. The CSP guides the development of Council's plans, policies, budget and program of works.

Last updated in 2021/22, the CSP must be reviewed after every ordinary council election. With elections held in September this year, we are now working with our newly elected council to refresh the CSP, ready for implementation in the 2025/2026 year.

Engagement history: how we first established our Plan.

The first major redevelopment of our CSP commenced in early 2022 to coincide with the election cycle of 2021-2024. During this time, an extensive engagement program provided stakeholders and the community with the opportunity to have input into its development. Through this process the community gave us more than 1650 ideas.

We then reviewed the suggestions provided; some were easy to implement, some were outside our scope and need to be addressed by other tiers of government or by private industry and others were going to take time for us to plan and action. It was exciting to see the variety of ideas our community had, and it was clear to us the things they value. All of these informed the development and adoption of our 2022-2032 Community Strategic Plan.

The updates: review and refresh

Over the past three years, we have worked to develop strategies and action plans that incorporate ideas submitted during the 2022 community consultation process. These ideas have been tested and refined along the way, and we have integrated as many as possible into our ongoing ‘Business-as-Usual’ processes.

At the conclusion of the previous council term, we prepared a State of the Region Report, which was endorsed at the October 2024 council meeting. This report, available in the document menu on this page, assesses the progress and effectiveness of the 2022-2032 CSP. It also identifies strategic objectives to be carried forward into the updated 2025-2035 CSP. Serving as a critical bridging document, it highlights the community’s ongoing interest in the initiatives identified during the prior engagement processes.

Therefore, this draft Community Strategic Plan 2025-2035 builds on the foundations of previous strategies and top-level goals. This update represents a refresh of the existing document rather than a complete redevelopment, ensuring continuity and alignment with community priorities.

The 7 key themes that will remain include:

  • A place of environmental sensitivity
  • A place of progressive leadership
  • A place of liveable communities
  • A place of inclusion, culture and wellbeing
  • A place of prosperity & resilience
  • Connected Communities
  • Tomorrow’s Technologies

The Draft 2025-2035 Plan: where are we up to?

Whilst the actions and strategies from the 2022-2032 CSP largely remain, this updated plan has been reviewed to balance community expectations with the resourcing available.

In regards to the types of projects and goals identified, not much has changed. We have however simplified the high-level strategic objectives to allow for our Delivery Program actions (4-year program of works) to be simpler to implement against the themes. In basic terms: we’ve cut down the wordy text!

Once the CSP is finalised, we will then develop and refine our Delivery Program to guide our projects and actions over the next four years....all linking into our 7 themes!

Your involvement

Our draft CSP was on display until 29 January 2025.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed the draft plan to ensure it continues to reflect the communities’ vision for our area.

Feedback will be collated and either reflected in the updated CSP or moved to the Delivery Program review if the submission was deemed more relevant to this process (projects, requests etc).

The final draft will go back to council in the upcoming budget period, for final adoption by 30 June 2025.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete the questions below if you wish to make a submission on the draft 2025-2035 Community Strategic Plan. 

    Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback!

Page last updated: 29 Jan 2025, 02:54 PM