Frequently Asked Questions
Who can register on Your Say Murray River?
Anyone can register on Your Say Murray River. Whether you work or reside in Murray River or are simply interested in local issues and upcoming developments, we are ready to hear from you!
Why should I register on Your Say Murray River?
By registering on Your Say Murray River, you have a direct line to Council making sure your views on community issues and matters are heard.
Your Say Murray River gives you quick, safe and convenient access to information on a range of issues and topics. You will be kept up to date about projects affecting your community and be able to contribute your views at a time and place that suits you.
You can also see what other community members think about an issue or topic and engage in discussions to understand a range of viewpoints.
How do I view and participate in discussions on Your Say Murray River?
If this is your first time visiting Your Say Murray River, you can browse throughout the site. If you wish to leave a comment, or join an online discussion you will need to register.
If you have visited Your Say Murray River before and registered, you simply need to sign in to start participating in discussions and leaving your feedback.
Is Your Say Murray River replacing other engagement methods?
No! Your Say Murray River is all about adding more voices to the mix and gathering as many thoughts and opinions as possible. Council will still carry out more traditional face-to-face methods of community engagement such as drop-in sessions, workshops, forums, etc., when it is safe to do so.
What happens to my feedback and will my views be listened to?
All comments, ideas and suggestions Council receives throughout any engagement process are collated and used to inform the development of various strategies, projects, programs and activities, as well as to gain an insight into community views and opinions on different topics.
At the end of any engagement process, all online feedback along with feedback received from other engagement are compiled into a report. The engagement report is used by Council to make decisions on the matter they are considering.
Council values and considers all feedback received from the community as part of the decision-making process, this does not mean that every suggestion can be taken on board and incorporated into an outcome.
How is Your Say Murray River moderated?
All moderation on Your Say Murray River is carried out by Bang the Table and is independent to Murray River Council. The moderators do not edit or alter comments and will only remove comments deemed to be significantly off topic, offensive or malicious, in which case they are removed from the site immediately. Refer to the moderation guidelines for more information.
Is my privacy protected?
Yes! Your privacy is absolutely protected, and Council will only use your email to contact you with updates and to invite you to participate in consultations. Your email address will not be distributed to any third party or used for any other purposes. If you think your information has been used inappropriately by Murray River Council, please contact the Privacy Contact Officer on or 1300 087 004.