2024 Local Government Elections

The 2024 NSW Local Government elections will take place on Saturday 14 September 2024.

Voting is compulsory at all NSW local government elections.

Murray River Council is governed by 9 Councillors who are elected to represent the Council area across 3 wards: Greater Murray, Greater Wakool and Moama.

Our Councillors are elected for a 4-year term of office, however in 2021 Councillors were elected for a shorter term due to the impacts of COVID-19.

Information about the 2024 elections, including information for prospective candidate's, can be found across the various information tabs on this page.

You can also find information on the NSW Electoral Commission website.


Pre-poll voting will be available between 7-13 September at:

Moama: 6 Meninya Street (old Council Offices)

Moulamein: Council Office, Tualka Terrace

Barham: Riverside reception rooms

Updated ward boundaries

A new ward boundary realignment was endorsed by Council on Tuesday 26 September 2023. The updated wards will come into place for the September 2024 local government elections.

Why did Council change the ward boundaries?

The NSW Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) requires councils to review ward boundaries to ensure that the difference in the number of electors across each ward does not exceed 10 per cent. The balance of the electors in each Ward was misaligned beyond these figures, and as such Council developed a proposal to address this.

The new wards shown on the map on this page, bring our three wards – Greater Murray, Greater Wakool and Moama – back within 10 per cent or less variance.

The 2024 NSW Local Government elections will take place on Saturday 14 September 2024.

Voting is compulsory at all NSW local government elections.

Murray River Council is governed by 9 Councillors who are elected to represent the Council area across 3 wards: Greater Murray, Greater Wakool and Moama.

Our Councillors are elected for a 4-year term of office, however in 2021 Councillors were elected for a shorter term due to the impacts of COVID-19.

Information about the 2024 elections, including information for prospective candidate's, can be found across the various information tabs on this page.

You can also find information on the NSW Electoral Commission website.


Pre-poll voting will be available between 7-13 September at:

Moama: 6 Meninya Street (old Council Offices)

Moulamein: Council Office, Tualka Terrace

Barham: Riverside reception rooms

Updated ward boundaries

A new ward boundary realignment was endorsed by Council on Tuesday 26 September 2023. The updated wards will come into place for the September 2024 local government elections.

Why did Council change the ward boundaries?

The NSW Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) requires councils to review ward boundaries to ensure that the difference in the number of electors across each ward does not exceed 10 per cent. The balance of the electors in each Ward was misaligned beyond these figures, and as such Council developed a proposal to address this.

The new wards shown on the map on this page, bring our three wards – Greater Murray, Greater Wakool and Moama – back within 10 per cent or less variance.

  • Considering running for council?

    Candidates are advised to closely monitor the NSWEC website and social media channels for updates on the election. The Electoral Commission are the key source of information and management for the 2024 Local Government election.

    They also offer handy resources about becoming a candidate, including understanding essential information and your legal obligations, the registration process to initiate campaigning, managing campaign finances, navigating the nominations process, creating electoral material, and ensuring compliance with disclosures and electoral expenditure regulations. You can find out more here.

    A list of important dates, including nomination deadlines, can also be found in our 'key dates' tab on this page.

    Forum for women candidates

    With the help of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association, we’ll be hosting a free information session specifically for women interested in running at the upcoming local government election.

    Saturday 27 July 2024, 10am to 1pm

    Murray River Council Offices, 52 Perricoota Road Moama

    Register your attendance to Council's Manager Governance and Risk, Sandra Gordon at sgordon@murrayriver.nsw.gov.au or 1300 087004.

    Electoral Commission Webinars

    The NSW Electoral Commission will conduct a series of webinars for candidates and other political participants in the lead-up to the 2024 NSW Local Government elections.

    Find out the key dates, or watch past webinars here.

    Speaking with council

    If you are interested in obtaining information about being a councillor and would like to speak to council directly, please contact Sandra Gordon, Manager Governance and Risk (sgordon@murrayriver.nsw.gov.au or 1300 087 004) and we will make arrangements with you.

    Helpful information on being a councillor can also be found on the NSW Office of Local Government website.


    For more information on becoming a councillor and what is required of the role, please visit the following resources:

Page last updated: 25 Jul 2024, 11:17 AM